Request a keynote presentation

for your upcoming conference



Hidden Figures: This keynote presentation was delivered by Thomas Moore at the District 73 Toastmasters Annual Conference, ‘Power of Possibilities’, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019.

Making Sense of Student Effort: This presentation was delivered by Thomas Moore and Peter Breukers at The Mathematical Association of Victoria, Annual Conference, MAV20, in December 2020

Mathematical Representations – Positives and Potential Pitfalls: This keynote presentation was delivered by Thomas Moore at the MAVMEG Annual Primary Conference, ‘Building leadership capability in Mathematics Education’, in June 2021

Teaching in Action – Using Problem Based Lessons to Develop Student Capabilities in Mathematics: This keynote presentation was delivered by Thomas Moore and Ashleigh Koo at The Mathematical Association of Victoria, Annual Conference, MAV21, in December 2021

Contentious Conversations in Maths Education Workshop: This presentation was delivered by Thomas Moore and Michaela Epstein at The Mathematical Association of Victoria, Annual Conference, MAV20, in December 2020

Online Teaching of Mathematics During the Coronavirus – What we have learned: This keynote panel presentation was facilitated by Thomas Moore at The Mathematical Association of Victoria, Annual Conference, MAV20, in December 2020




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